Ashley Perez

Hi, welcome to my blogger page. I'm Ashley I love hanging out with my love ones and going out trying out new things. Explore all my post I'll be posting up daily.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Rachel Castillo 
I think what Rachel did was an excellent idea to do. Later on in the future she will be rewarded even better than that money she had found. Theres nothing more to return it then keeping it. It was meant for her to find it and return it to who it belong to. Like they had said it was from an old man who was disable, he probably had forgotten where he had left it at.  
Student Success Statement 
"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly."

Otto Graham,jr.

Health Information Specialist 

Duties: Most health information management specialists focus on patient security or privacy, coding or records administration. Many professionals are employed by hospitals, where they work with patient care data and ensure proper insurance payment reimbursement, the accuracy of data for public health records and the security of patients' electronic health records information. Other professionals may work for government agencies, insurance companies or other health care facilities.

Salary:  $37,710 per/YEAR

Education: In order to find an entry-level position, aspiring health information management specialists need to be familiar with basic medical vocabulary and insurance coding techniques. Most employers hire candidates that have earned an associate's degree in health information management. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2008 there were over 200 schools in the United States accredited to offer such a program through the Commission for Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM). Courses in these programs focus on topics that include medical terminology, anatomy, medical coding, statistics and database security.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Student Success Statement 
"Right is right only when entire."

Victor Hugo 
what this quote means that once you cheat,your done you cheated all everything not just because its a little its still consider cheating.